5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
10 Wall Ball Shots
5 Deadlift @ 185
--Rest 3 min--
Tabata Thruster
20 seconds work
10 seconds rest
8 rounds
---Rest 30 sec---
Tabata Situps
8 Rounds
Use barbell or dumbells for thrusters(goal is 6-10 reps/round). Do not set weight down between rounds if possible.
Post time and lowest rep/weight of thrusters/situps.
5 rounds plus Cindy, 25# dumbells, average was 6-7, low was 4, situps average was 11-12, low was 10. Rest may have exceeded rx, not sure of actual rest time. Maybe 3-5 min on first section and 1-1.5 min between tabata efforts.
ReplyDelete10 PVC OCH
5 PU
10 dips (MOD: legs to get up)
leg blaster
10 lunges
10 squats
10 striders
10 jumping squats
5 rounds MOD
5 PU (jumping)
10 Pushups (knee)
15 SQ
10 WB (10#)
5 DL (135#)
15# Db each hand
Situps (on abmat)
rest same as trickle