Sunday, November 15, 2009

REST 111509

Workout today if you missed yesterday or if you just feel like putting in another day. Listen to your body, it will tell you whether you are pushing yourself too hard or too far. Generally, in every 12-16 weeks, a person training 3-5 days per week needs a break for 3-5 days. If you feel your time has come, don't hesitate to take the break, if it is not your time, push on.

Does anyone have any specific goals they are working towards? The Shop Winter Games, a running or other endurance event, 5 pounds of weight loss, so you can gain it back on Thanksgiving, strong core and muscular arms so you can fight your way through all the Christmas shoppers?

Everything You Know About Muscle is Wrong is an article written in Mens Health magazine, it is long, informative, and very interesting. I highly recommend reading it.

Post thoughts and work to comments.


  1. 5 to 8 hour run, bike, & paddle. Dec 5th, st louis MO. Should be a test in a little weather endurance. Got a little trail running planned aroun 2:30 this afternoon, let me know if anybody is intertesed.

  2. Worlock, you picked a great day to run. I will send Becca out with you, but I think I will stay inside today and not catch pneumonia.

  3. Question:
    "Does anyone have any specific goals they are working towards?"

    My goal in regards to training is to overcome the limitations I set upon myself while working within the bounds of a "balanced" life.

    In other words, I want to perform at the limits of my potential while maintaining focus on my job, family, and personal hobbies. This level of performance may not be the best my body is capable of but I'm not willing to sacrifice the rest of my life in the name of fitness.

    I just don't want to have regrets in any aspect of my life.

    Lately I've felt like I'm headed in the right direction. Only time will tell.

    now, let me take a little time and read what sounds to be a very interesting article Trickle has linked to

  4. 5000m row for warm up

    (100) 225lb dead lift

    not for time but for fun and form

    specific goals:

    dont know if i have any besides to be better at any activities i choose to do; do always keep some kind of race in front of me. I really just enjoy training; chit is fun.

  5. Worlock, I mean Maximus, or is it Solista?
    Nice work today.

  6. Just a 40 something guy, trying to stay, in decent shape, keeping the balance that clint had mentioned.

  7. 5 rounds of 10

    power cleans 185#
    dead lift 185#
    pull ups


    wasn't really doing for time

    goal would be to try to improve everyday on FORM, strength, and endruce.

    And try to catch THE WORLOCK

  8. Intesting article about the facia and the need for balance.

    I do crossfit because I don't want to stop doing the things I love without a fight. I hate to hear people say "at my age, I can't do..."
