Saturday, August 8, 2009

Track Day / Endurance 080809 Sa

Feels like a good day to destroy the legs again...

- Warm Up -
Various mobility drills
jog 1 x 400
run 2 x 200m
sprint 2 x 50m

- Work -
Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery
(if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20)


Post time for each 200 to comments


  1. Roseville 5k
    21:58 PR by 2 mins

  2. Nice job cabana. "the only pace to run is suicide pace, and today is a good day to die." - prefontaine

  3. Man that's fast Cabana! I wonder if all the leg work this week helped or hurt? It makes you wonder where that 2 minute improvement came from. Nice job man!

  4. I don't know what it was but it felt great. I'm ready to do a workout this afternoon though.

  5. I'm at Perry, back nine, will be up for a workout later too

  6. I will be ready to get back at it also 3:00 or so Let me know


  7. 50 swings@16kg (25ea arm)
    25 squats@16kg
    25 situps
    25 pushup
    3 rounds for time


  8. 1pm - Sun Overhead - Blacktop Track - 95 degrees - Windy


    200m Results:
    1. 33.8
    2. 32.8
    3. 32.9
    4. 32.8
    5. 34.7
    6. 33.5
    7. 34.5
    8. 34.9
    9. 33.9
    10. 33.5

    Rest ranged from 2:45 - 2:55 between efforts and allowed for 95% recovery. Had no idea what I could run a 200 in so now I have a starting point. I thought I could do at least one under 0:30 but that isn't the case.

  9. Hey 5150 - Is that your 4th time this week? 150 one arm swings... Nice.

  10. Perfect 10 aka "Becca"
    cabana 32:31
    beastmaster 33:21
    trickle DNF - should have taken a rest day

  11. Neal- I love how you said "Roseville"! You did awesome!!

  12. Roseville I know I'm a idiot when it comes to spelling I think I was still in shock congrats on 2nd place Brit and thanks for talking me into it

  13. Man I am glad you all did something today cause I wasn't planning on it but now I'm glad I did. Not that it was nearly as hard as what you all threw down.

    50x "the excercise" 45lb bar
    50x ab wheel

    the excercise is: hang snatch + ohs
