Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rest Day / Strength 080909 S

Recently here at The Shop we've gotten away from picking up and carrying or moving heavy things that aren't barbells. That's gonna change. Read below.


Posted by Rob Shaul from Mountain Athlete, 8.3.09

Books and coaches have a plethora of different definitions of strength.

Here are a couple I use:

- Maximal Strength -
the greatest amount an athlete can lift in a particular exercise for 1 rep

- Brute Strength / Strength in the real world / Farmer strength, etc. -
The ability to pick up heavy stuff that isn't barbells, dumbbells, etc.

You would think that someone who was strong in the gym would also be strong outside it, and vice versa - someone who was had brute strength outside the gym would also be strong with the barbells and plates. But I've seen first hand, that this isn't the case at first.

Many times in my life, because of the way I train in a gym, I've attracted big 'ol blue collar lifting partners, many of which made their living with their hands as ranchers, welders, etc. And at first, I'd crush them in the gym strength wise.

But then, eventually they would drag me out to their work place, and crush me back lifting real-world stuff like hay bales, sheet rock and metal plate.

Eventually, they would learn how to use their real world brute strength in the gym, and I would learn how to apply my gym strength to the real world.

This is the reason we do strongman exercises - other then the fact that they are just plain fun - to transfer barbell strength to the real world.


Post thoughts to comments on what your definition of "Strength" is


  1. Jonescrawl: 6:39

    245 Deadlift (should have been 235, but I put 10's on instead of 5's, stupid me!)
    25 box jumps

    Way harder than anticipated!!!

  2. That thing is killer. Now you see why Goob's 4:08 is really impressive!

    I've never actually done it as rx'd. I was 170 and did it at 185 in the mid 5's. I think we'll be weighing in and doing that one the first week of September.

  3. Tabata something else as rx'ed on crossfit main site.

    38 pullups
    91 pushups
    183 situps
    80 squats

    Pullups were sad as expected. Knees were killing me on the squats. Too many ohs yesterday I guess.

  4. We have a similar gym in Lenexa. Crossfit principles but with our own reality thrown in. I would like to start a dialogue with you and your gym. Please give me a call or review our website.


  5. Only One Tool as rx 34:21

  6. I've got some ideas on some "real world" strength workouts but if anyone has ideas please feel free to post them.

  7. great idea for a real world strength a keg of beer, Bruce, Goob, and I will drink it, then you can use it for keg lifts and keg tosses after refilling some of the liquid!

    Also, think about sandbags, check out link
