Friday, August 7, 2009

Timed Circuit 080709 F

- Warm up -
Double Under Practice
Various medicine ball throws

- Work -
4 Rounds for time of:
10 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
20 Situps
400m Run

*Locked out at the top, head to floor at the bottom. Just like she does it in the link, left window. 135lb shoulder press may be subbed.

Post time to comments


  1. warmup: shoulder flexibility work and ohs practice with 45 lb bar

    Attempted the 500 rep sandwich this morning, DNF mainly due to burpees, after 10 burpees I got to the point where I was literally unable to complete a pushup. So I stop the timer. Did decide to do 90 more box jumps @ 18" and the last 400 meter run. Clock was stopped at 22 minutes.

  2. As Rx'd: (had an extra 40 yards each round to get to exercise station)

    Delaney- 13:47
    Vernon- 15:50

    I really liked this WOD, Clint!

  3. as rx'd:

    Clint - 15:31
    Worlock - 19:10
    Trickle - 22:27*

    115lb press instead of HSPU:

    5150 - 33:10

    *Trickle did well but ROM was a little short so he wanted it noted

    Coincidentally our only spot for HSPU ended up about 20 yards from where we normally start running. So the times should be pretty comparable.

    Cabana has the Rossville 5k in the morning so he did a few rounds but not for time.
