Thursday, August 6, 2009

Active Rest / OHS Read 080509 Th

Found this posted at Crossfit324 and thought it was too good not to post here

Why Do You Run?

- Warm Up -
Work on your weaknesses.
Here's a good list to consider:
-Ring Dips
-Double Unders
-Kipping Pullups
-Hand Stand Push Ups

- Work -
Active Rest - Run, Bike, Row, or Swim for 30+ minutes

- Info -
Here's a couple links to info on the importance of OHS

Post activity, time, and thoughts on the links to comments


  1. 5 mile run 43mins

  2. Did a WOD from Crossfit Sin City.

    5 Rounds for time: 135#
    1 Power Clean
    3 Hang Squat Clean
    2 Push Press
    Sprint 65 yards

    Too easy of a workout, thought it would be much harder.

  3. 10 Rounds
    10 Pullups
    10 Ring Dips
    10 Ring Pushups

    204, modified
    AMRAP in 20 min
    Got 6 rounds under the 20 min broken down as follows, finished 7 rounds in 22:23

    Round 1 & 2 as rx'd
    Round 3 Broken Dips
    Round 4-7 Held Dips in upper active rest position for 10 seconds (couldn't even do that on rd 7)
    Round 5-7 Broke pushups
    **RINGS SUCK**
    Ordering 2 more pair today, look forward to working on my weaknesses.

  4. Deadlift

    warm up:
    20 x 65
    15 x 95
    10 x 115
    5 x 135

    155 x 10
    185 x 10
    205 x 10
    225 x 10
    255 x 5

    Form felt pretty good thru 225. I've got a lot more work ahead of me in this area. 95 reps today can't of hurt the cause

  5. anyone get a chance to watch the running video? inspirational to say the least.
