Saturday, November 14, 2009

Practice 111409

Pick a weakness, or two, or three

Work on them for as long as you can

Ring dips
Kipping and dead-hang pullups (Chest to bar)
Endurance activities

Or, try THIS wod from Paper Street Gymnasium

Post work to comments.


  1. Paper Street WOD
    "swing burpee"
    6:52 PR
    thanks for the carrot bruce
    last time, on 2.27.09, my time was 7:48

  2. 5 RFT
    95# Hang Power Snatch
    500m Row
    (wod by

    205, rx, 21:48

    Hang Power Snatch broken as follows
    Rd 1 5, 5, 5
    Rd 2 6, 6, 3
    Rd 3 6, 6, 3
    Rd 4 8, 7
    Rd 5 8, 7

    Kept the rows @ 2:00 pace, had trouble getting in a groove on the HPS, once I got more explosion and moved my feet closer together I felt better. I really wanted to get the last set done unbroken, but I mis-fired and that set me back, the last 500m row was the toughest 500 I have rowed to date.

  3. 75 hang power snatch @95 and 2500m on the C2 in just over 20. Wow!
    Your time makes me hurt just thinking about it.
    Nice work Trickle.
