Monday, November 16, 2009

CRANK 111609

Time is running out. Those who have not mastered the muscle up
should set a goal to do so by the end of the year.

Run 400m (or 1 leg blaster)
Burgener Warm-up
Muscle-up practice

200m Run
30 SDHP @ 95#
200m Run
30 Box Jumps @ 24”
200m Run
30 Hang Power Clean @ 95#
200m Run
30 Pull-ups (kipping)
200m Run
30 Front Squat @ 95#
200m Run
30 Ring Dips
200m Run
30 Thrusters @ 95#
200m Run
30 Burpees

100 Double Unders

Sub 100 jump rope for run if snowing/raining.

Post time to comments.


  1. Jump rope instead of run
    the rest as rx'd


    great workout all around

  2. We all subbed pushups for ring dips due to equipment limitations and did the jump rope sub as well.

    Clint. 175bw. Rx. 33:09

    I got my ass handed to me tonight and
    I still don't feel quite right, "crank" had my number.

    Great job on the workout today Trickle and thanks to all for showing me how it's done.

  3. 26:16 or 26:46 cant remember for sure
    great workout trickle; really enjoyed the ass kicken it dished out

  4. Joy, 35:50, 65#, 20" Box, JPU
    Mrs. C, 37:50, 45#, 20# Box, JPU
    Cabana, 27:14
    Worlock, 26:16
    Kirk, 40:xx
    Trickle, 31:42
