Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 - The Shop Odyssey 011010

It's a new year.
A new start.
A clean slate.
What kind of marks will you make this year?

Think about what you didn't accomplish last year and make a plan for this year. That way in a year from now, when you look back on 2010, all you'll be thinking about is what you did accomplish.

Break up into equal teams of 3 or 4 and complete the following for time:

Section 1
row 2010 meters
meters can be broken up into no larger than 250m pieces

Section 2
100 ring dips
200 pullups
300 pushups
400 squats
500 situps
500 double unders
10 barbell complexes - pushup + burpee pullups (135 / 65)
2010 total "reps"

work can be done in any order and may be broken up between players to keep time to a minimum

Section 3
squat clean + jerk
accumulate 2010 total pounds per person from ground to overhead including the squat

There is no rest between sections but all work must be done from the previous section before the team moves on. All players must finish section 3 before time is called.

post total time to comments


  1. *edit on work
    -100 double unders
    +100 ring dips

    it's more fun that way, right?

  2. we ended up doing the complexes at 95. 135 would have been ugly, too broken, and taken way too long. total work took each team about an hour. gto was done using 95lbs, 21 reps.
