Monday, November 30, 2009

Strength or Speed 113009

1 Leg Blaster
2 Arm Blasters
300 Jump Rope

5/55 (10-1 of all movements)

Deadlift @ 225 / 135
Mr. Spectacular @ 2 x 35# KB / 2 x 20# KB
Box Jump/Ball Slam (24", 20# / 20", 12#)*
Hang Squat Clean Thrusters @ 95/45
Burpee Pullups (wish we had a weighted vest for these)

*Holding ball, jump up on box and back down, slam ball, catch in squat position and immediately jump back on box


Ring Dips
Box Jumps @ 24" / 20"
KB Swings @ 2 Pood / 1 Pood
Pullups / Horizontal Pullups
Front Squat @ 135/65

**Pick either workout and go as fast as you can
The STRENGTH workout is not for time since
there are too many complex movements.

500m Row for time

***Finally, congratulations to Worlock, Beastmaster, Joy, and Corey on the Rock Creek Trail series run in October. Results posted here.

Post time and thoughts to comments.


  1. 176bw. second 5/55 rx. 32:58
    forgot to do the 500m row

    looked like 45-50 minutes for everyone else on the first option

  2. That workout effectively worked the body and the mind. Every round all I could think about was "at some point I will have to do more Mr Spectaculars". I think next time a workout has those in it, I will try to focus on how fast I can get those done instead of dreading them. The deadlift was a perfect weight, the hang squat clean thruster could have probably been 115 and just thrusters, we modified the box jumps to just a weighted box jump, and it I believe that a regular box jump x 2 would be better. Burpee pullups are good, but I will be ready to try some variance after Friday.

  3. That was a great workout to come back too. Really missed it! Thanks Scott. My time was 60mins. and have two pretty bruises from the kettle bell hitting my arms from Mr. Spectaculars. Oh and almost threw up several times. Very good, seriously.
