Monday, July 13, 2009

High Load, High Speed 071309 M

Follow the link below to watch something impressive


-Warm Up-

Kettlebell Complex
(rest between movements as needed)

20 x Two Handed Swing
10 x One Arm Swing (each arm)
10 x Snatch (each arm)
10 x Figure 8 (front-to-back)
10 x Figure 8 (back-to-front)
10 x Goblet Squat
10 x Standing Press (each arm)
10 x One Arm OHS (each arm)
20 x One Arm Swing (alternate above head level)


10-8-6-4-2 for time of:

Power Clean @ 155 / 65
Front Squat @ 155 / 65
Push Jerk @ 155 / 65
Strict Pullups / Jumping Pullups
Burpee Broad Jumps @ 6"

Scale accordingly

*Strict Pullups
- ROM = Base of neck to bar at the top / Dead hang at the bottom
- No Kipping

*Burpee Broad Jumps
- Start with your body perpendicular to a 6" x 6" timber. Drop down and do the pushup first, kick your legs under, and then, from the tucked position, jump over the 6" x 6". That's one rep. Turn around and start the next one.

Post time to comments


  1. First day back from Vaca, about 3 pounds heavier than before Vacation.

    2 easy minutes, 2 hard minutes 11 rounds Elliptical

    44 minutes

    402 Calories
    4.05 miles


    6 way BB complex

  2. Cabana 27:02 (10 and 8 FS @ 135)
    Beastmaster 27:02 as rx'd
    Worlock 30:19 as rx'd
    Clint 30:29 as rx'd
    Trickle 31:06 as rx'd

    Man, it sure feels good to be back.

    I highly recommend this wod to you all. I'll try to get some video up of the 6" burpee broad jumps. Not quite as challenging as I had thought, but still a good way to mix it up.

  3. -bonus-

    Night time run
    1.6 miles

    felt good to get out and run
    looking forward to tomorrow's trail run
