Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday 070309 F

"Nowhere to Hide" footage.
It's kinda long but the content is pretty good.

Post thoughts and any work completed to comments


  1. some how i was lucky enough to go through the whole video without a clear shot of my pullups; they must have been perect than. so no one can cry foul, lol. good video clint and have a good vaca

    1st of two workouts today
    5000m row 20:09 little slow today

  2. I really liked that workout. I think we'll need to do it again in the near future. REALLY LONG video, but I wanted to show as much of everyone as possible.

    What's the second workout gonna look like?

  3. dont know thinking about a muddy trail run and 100 BP's. Any suggestions?

  4. CF JAX weds. WOD

    135# thrusters X 9
    60 jumping pullups
    115# thrusters X 15
    30 Kipping pullups
    95# thrusters X 21
    15 strict pullups

    Cabana 25:45
    Warlock 25:58
    Beastmaster 27:02

    Good workout to end the week
    Gf jax times where anywhere from
    11 to 17 mins those guys are animals

  5. Looks like a pretty good one I missed. CF Jax is the real deal. Those guys are tough as nails. Plus their workouts are really well designed and interesting.

    See you guys in 10 days.

    Over and out.
