Sunday, October 18, 2009

AS vs. RS 101809 S

One thing we can all agree on and know to be true...

The back of "The Shop" shirt

Here's some important info regarding the differences and benefits of the American and Russian KB Swings. Take a few minutes and read HERE before tomorrow's work.

Post any additional info or thoughts on the two types of swings to comments


  1. He pushed me towards the American Swing with his comments about its carry over into the other movements we do.

  2. I would concurr with Bruce

    Different Strokes for Different Folks.

  3. It seems to me that the American Swindon is more "useful" as well. On the other hand it sounds like the Russian version has it's own specific set of benefits. Maybe it's kinda like strict vs kipping pullups in that you can't completely discount either and being profecient at both is ideal.
