Monday, June 8, 2009

Complexicated 060809 M

Weekend project.

The following ought to get the new pullup stations broke in real nice...

So you want to "grind" huh?
Well, here's another "fiasco" from CF Jax.
If this doesn't create some fear and anxiety, I don't know what will.

-Warm Up-

5 min of various medicine ball throws


3 rounds of:

5 Deadlift
5 Hang Power Clean
5 Front Squat
5 Push-Jerk
5 Push Press
Load warm up rounds @ 45, 65, and 95


10 rounds for time of:

Barbell Complex (modified, see below) @ 115lbs M / 65lbs F


Workout looks like:
1 barbell complex / 2 pullups, ascending to 10 barbell complexes and 20 pullups for a total of 55 barbell complexes and 110 pullups.

1 complex equals one rep each of the following, in order:
- Deadlift
- Power Clean
- Front squat
- Push Jerk
- Push Press

Perform the complex in its entirety to equal 1 rep.
Do not drop bar during a complex to rest.
Rest as needed only after completing each complex.

For example, on round 2, you will perform 2 complexes and 4 pullups, which looks like:
- 1 deadlift, 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 push jerk, 1 push press. Then, repeated again, to equal two reps
- 4 pullups

There will be a time limit of 45 minutes. If you did not finish under that, you didn't work hard enough or scale correctly.

Note any other mods in comments, i.e. pushups instead of pullups


Post load, time, and any other mods to comments


  1. clint: dnf @ 115
    rounds 1-9 complete with pullups. 4/10 complexes on the 10th round, 0 pullups

    beastmaster: 115

    worlock: 115

    5150: dnf @ 95
    2/10 on last round, mix of pullups and pushups

    rookie: dnf @ 95
    1/10 on last round, pullups

    joy: 45
    finished, pushups

    becca: 45
    4/10 on last round with pushups

    aaron 2: dnf @ 95

  2. THat was a good grind workout. the pullup were very difficult. Nice use of the new pullup bars!
