Saturday, May 29, 2010

Make Up Day

Make up a missed WOD or make up your own WOD

1 comment:

  1. 8 Gears 8 Rounds
    The mountain bike ride this AM was more for completion and a chance to bike with RLR than for speed or distance. Technical difficulties have left me with 8 gears to use. Fortunately they were the middle 8. After a rough start that left RLR a little worse for the wear and somewhat bloody, the ride got muddy. Decision was made to take the "high ground" and work trails backward that have already been ridden and leave the unknown to another, dryer day. Overall a good ride and a good way to start the day. PM workout was a bit more treacherous.
    10 RFT
    10 Wall Ball Shots
    5 Strict Pullups
    20 Double Unders
    3 GTOH @ 155
    Having gone from ride to t-ball to workout, nutrition was neglected. A single apple would be my entire energy source leading up to this one. Workout scaled to 8 rounds by the others, 6 by me (subbing 60 jump rope for DU after round 3).
    Parts to get the bike from an 8 speed to a 27 speed are on their way. A day of rest and some good food are on order for me.
