Monday, February 8, 2010


The Shop - Cherokee Goat-Hawk 2.2.10 from Clint on Vimeo.

10 butterfly situps
9 clapping pushups
8 squat jumps
7 c2b pullups
6 knee / box jump combo
5 burpee pullups
4 tire flip with jump
3 keg clean and press
2 bear crawls (10 yard)
1 rope climb

"Barbara" - By CrossFit
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Post the end time of each of your rounds on the white board as they did below. Post final time to comments for score.

What were you doing back in 2003 when THIS was introduced?

Recent Sin City CrossFit results:


  1. Worlock - 33:01
    Cabana - 33:08
    Clint - 34:11

    Words can not describe the storm of pain and destruction that has descended on my muscles. I had to fight my body and it's natural instinct to show the world the contents of my stomach. Barbara definitely dissapoint and more than lived up to all that I had heard.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Clint,

    The video "Cherokee Goat-Hawk" was bad ass. Get some! Keep them coming!

  4. Thanks Joe
    that was a killer workout and I wanted to capture the pain and misery for others to witness and for those of us who experienced it to never forget. Plus, I just like making videos of what we do.

    *in case it wasn't obvious above, I meant to say that Barbara DID NOT let us down. That's a nasty little wod from CrossFit. I can't say that I look forward to doing it again anytime soon.
