Monday, September 14, 2009

Strength 091409 M

Warm Up-
Run 400m
3 rounds of "Cindy"
-5 pullups
-10 pushups
-15 squats

Work up to Bench Press 1rm
10 @ 50% estimated 1rm
8 @ 60%
6 @ 70%
4 @ 80%
2 @ 90%
1, continuing until failure

Rest until ready then,
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

This is a max effort. Goal is the highest 3 rep load possible without breaking reps, while maintaining proper form, and ROM.
Rest as needed between sets.
An example result where a person completed the first two and failed on the third, then completed the other three could look like this: 195-200-205(X)-200-205-210(PR)
Warm up rounds are not logged.

Post 1RM bench press and Front Squat loads to comments.


  1. Warm Up: 1000m row
    Work: 500m + 10 bench @ 135 (4 rds)
    + 1000m row

  2. name. bw. bench. front squats

    5150. 201. 200.
    Rookie. 173. 245.
    same as 5150
    Clint. 177. DNA.
    Worlock. 202. 235.
    Cabana. 192. 275.

    While going for 3rm's we had some new 1rm's.
    Congrats to Rookie and 5150 on new 1rm's of 205! Cabana and Worlock may have PR'd their 1rm as well but I'm not sure at what weight.

    Today was our first real experiment with the 3-3-3-3-3 rep scheme and it worked out pretty well. Everyone learned a lot and I'm sure we'll all get more out of it next time.
