Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Endurance 091509 T

5150 showing great form
Rookie doing the same
Worlock - Near the limit, fighting for rep 3 @ 215lbs
Cabana starting in on the sets of 3

and getting really close @ 290lbs

Crazy coincidence...
Check the comments HERE later in the day for results at crossfit.com of the same Front Squat workout we did yesterday.
For today:
30+ minutes of rowing, running, or biking

Post mode, distance, venue, and time to comments


  1. Max reps of dead hang pullups:

    Rookie - 22
    Clint - 15

    I'll be getting my running in pretty soon. Hopefully gonna get a PR on the trail tonight.

  2. 22 dead hang pullups? Nice!

  3. Yeah, he's one of those freaks of nature. God given crazy strong and he hasn't even come close to fully applying himself, although we're working on it.

    31:28 on the 3.3 mile trail run
    PR by 3+ minutes
