Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Shop 10 - Dead / Pullup 103109 Sa

Two days left, Two Tests left.
Get the following work done today or tomorrow.

Warm Up-
5 rounds of:
deadlift x 3 (add weight each round)
pullups x 3
squat jumps x 3
pushups x 3

Work- Tests 9 and 10
1. Deadlift 1RM
2. Max Pullups

Scoring is as follows:

- Deadlift 1RM
(5) 2.0 x bw or better
(4) 1.9 x bw
(3) 1.8 x bw
(2) 1.7 x bw
(1) 01.6 x bw

- Pullups (Strict / Kipping)
(5) 20 / 40
(4) 18 / 36
(3) 16 / 32
(2) 14 / 28
(1) 12 / 24

Post 1RM Deadlift and Max Pullups to comments


  1. Who's got what left?

    I know everyone still needs to test dead lift and pullups. In addition to that, from what I remember, the following needs to be done or redone:

    Beastmaster has the 5k and maybe a redo on the dips (rings)

    Patrick has the 400, 5k, box jumps, and The Shop Chipper

    5150 has front squats and redo on dips and maybe the 400 (track)

    Cabana has 500m row

    Clint has The Shop Chipper and maybe some more box jump attempts

    Trickle has a redo on the 400 (track) and maybe some more box jump attempts

    What else?

  2. That sums it up for me. I will be pushing it to get done. Had to dig a 4' x 3' x 2' hole for personal reasons and then help cut down and haul off 2 mature silver maples and dig holes to transplant 2 other trees. Just finished up and I am out of time today. Hopefully get to work out early tomorrow before moving equipment. Good real world exercise today.
