Saturday, June 20, 2009

Free Day 062009 Sa

It's all up to you, just be sure to do something.

If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend this:

4 rounds:

400m sprint
rest 2 minutes

Post work and time to comments


  1. How was the birthday?

  2. It was really good! Quite the surprise to unexpectedly see so many friends and family. Abuelos was awesome, then a little Cold Stone... Perfect

    Didn't end up doing the 30 MM as anticipated but was happy to complete the power cleans ad rx'd in the Front Range WOD.

    Now, what to do today....?

  3. Beastmaster and cabana
    Barbell complex
    6 rounds

  4. 15-10-5 for time of:

    Burpee pullups
    Hang squat clean @115
    400m run

    John - 13:27
    Patrick - 15:25
    Clint - 15:57

    That hurt, real bad

    Personally, I'm looking forward to resting tomorrow
