Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"To Hell and Back" 052609 T

Workout A.

10 rounds, 1-10 of the following:
Thrusters @ 95lbs
Burpee Pullups
Swings @ 70lbs

Workout B.

Do the following sequence for time:

1. Row

2. Circuit
3 rounds of:
30 Pull Ups
30 Burpees
(90 total of each)

3. Row

From 5.21.09 / Triangle CrossFit

Post your choice and time to comments


  1. workout A
    not thinking that was such a good choice for a morning workout
    check with tickle i think 34 mins

  2. Workout A
    Agree with cabana boy, Started 8th round, puked, finished 8th round in 22 minutes. May do some cardio at lunch.

  3. Long holiday weekend usually leads to bad nutritional choices for me. Glad I didn't do the ones you two chose or I would have been puking too, felt like puking after mine and mine wasn't bad.

    30/30 KB Swings 16KG
    20 rounds 16 swings per round
    320 total swings.

  4. Just to clarify, I told Cababna before we started that I might puke, but I was commited to doing the exercise. My sinuses were draining all night, upisde = I can breath, downside = stomach full of mucus and was turning as soon as I got up. It was a rough one, especially after yesterdays workout. Cabana did some running before the workout, but other than that we did not do much of a warmup. Actually looking forward to doing that one again, just might not do it in the morning.

  5. Round 2 - Workout A - Reverse
    28 min

  6. B.
    Not so sure I'm "back" yet
    First 1,000 = 3:44.8
    Second 1,000 = 4:31.8

  7. nice job clint, you know its on now. My last row time was about 4:30 also, pullups just blasted me bad
