Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rest Day / Read 041909 S

Grilled chicken, low carb / no sugar tortilla, lettuce, tomato, pepperjack cheese, 1 tbsp bbq sauce, a few pieces of pineapple, mixed nuts, and an orange.

Here's a good read regarding nutrition and what to eat so that your body will run like a fine tuned machine

Post some good recipes to comments that are Paleo / Zone friendly


  1. Paper Shop 15:32, Shaved nearly 5 minutes off last time. Burpees were nasty!!!

    Joy did Girl Paper shop 20lbs KB Clean and press,32KB Swing, 20" box jump,jumping chestups,and 65 front squat. 22:45

  2. can we refer to you two as Dar and Kiri?
