Monday, February 15, 2010

Square One

Words written in a place where it's inhabitants never ignore, forget, or discount the significance of the details, the small things, the basics...

We must no longer ignore our shortcomings. If potential is to be maximized it's time to take a few steps back. Before we can proceed to a higher level, we must peel back the facade, look beneath the skin, and tear it all down so that the existing foundation may be examined and seen for what it truly is.
The wrecking ball has arrived and it's demolition day.
Now is the time to become intimate with our weaknesses so that one by one they may be eliminated and their number reduced.

Warm Up
pvc burgener review and breakdown
barbell complex with bar
2 rounds of:
4 burpees
12 swings @ 53 / 35
8 box jumps @ 24 / 20
16 double unders

Focus and Review
Body Weight Squat
- stance width, sit back and down, weight on heels, chest up, maintain lumbar curve, proper depth (below parallel), then back to full extension at top with open hips and knees
Front Squat
- grip width, rack position (bar on shoulders), high elbows, upper arm parallel to the ground

3 rounds for time of:
35 double unders
25 full situps
15 bw squats
5 ring pullups

rest 5 minutes and then complete 30 burpee pullups for time

Post circuit and burpee pullup times to comments


  1. Anonymous15.2.10

    Great work tonight everyone.


    double unders felt great tonight 34/1, 23/12, 26/9


  2. Anonymous15.2.10

    For form, not for time. Working on my double under technique, trying to stay completely vertical and hop in good rhythm. It is amazing how bad my form must have been, I am sore. Looking forward to the rest of the rebuilding and the many days to come.
    Trickle, rx'd, 8:50.

  3. some for time others with more of a focus on form and completion. either way it was great effort by all

    Cabana - 7:16
    Clint - 7:20 c2b
    Trickle - 8:50
    Becca - 8:58
    Beastmaster - 9:09
    Worlock - 10:56
    Joy - 11:13
    Rookie - 13:42
