Saturday, February 27, 2010

Feel The Burn

3 rounds of 10 reps of
Samson Stretch 15 sec (Hands interlaced, palms to the ceiling, lunge position, stretch shoulders and back)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Pull-up x 5
Dip x 5

Maintain proper form and full ROM on every movement

Body Wt Bench x Max Reps (10 minimum, sub for lighter weight if needed)
Pushups x Max Reps
Pullups x Max Reps
Ring Dips x Max Reps
--Rest 3 min--
Body Wt Back Squat x Max Reps (10 minimum, sub for lighter weight if needed)
Body Weight DL x Max Reps
Lunges x Total BS+DL
DU x Total BS+DL
--Rest 3 min--
50 KB Swings @ 53/35
50 Burpees
50 Butterfly Situps

**Work steadily through the entire section, only resting during rest periods**
Post any scaling and time on 3rd section to comments.


  1. Anonymous27.2.10

    Trickle, 205, MOD, bench and bs done at 185, DL done at 205
    first 2 sections took 11:43 including rest, and a whopping 3 dips before I fell off the rings. The pushups were slow and agonizing and I could only muster 16 pullups after yesterday before my hands and forearms failed me. Back squat and deadlift were done to 2 bad reps in a row. Stopped at 11 and 13. The final section almost didn't get done, but the voice of Cabana in my head saying, "doing what you don't want to do, will get you where others can't go"
    KB swings, 25,15,10
    burpees, 10x5 methodical, form first
    butterfly situps, 50, should have used abmat, I ended up 8 foot back of where I started. 13:02 (should have been under 10)

  2. rest
    1.6 mile jog
    painful, bloated, and slow
    never felt right
    only two weeks til 10k road race. gotta drop some pounds. fat and slow now, lean and mean then.
