Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Run/Row 5k...

5:00/:15 x 2


Do each for 5 min, use 15 sec for transition, repeat (30 min total work)

Post efforts to comments


  1. Trickle, 207, rx
    Run 1.1 Total Miles
    Bike 3.1 Total Miles
    Row 2450 Total Meters

    Forgot the extra. When it's not on the whiteboard, it is forgotten.

  2. 324's "King Kong vs. Spiderman"
    (scaled from 455 / 255)
    1 Deadlift @ 295 (94-95% 1RM)
    2 Muscle Ups
    3 Squat Cleans @ 185 (92-93% 1RM)
    4 HSPU

    176bw. 7:49

    My PR on deadlift was 315 and squat clean was 185. I thought my deadlift may had risen to 320-325 and was pretty sure my squat clean was more like 195 but hadn't tested either in 6 weeks or so. So, I thought I was in the right range relative to known 1rm's for scaling the wod. Afterwords I had second thoughts and decided to answer some questions. Since I was already warmed up and felt like things went pretty good at those weights I decided to see if my squat clean or dead lift max had gone up.

    First came the squat clean. 195 went up like I thought it would and it felt like I caught it deep and was strong on the way up. Time for 205. This was a lot tougher and I almost lost balance in the hole. That may have had something to do with a feeling of things getting really dark. I thought I was going to black out but came out of it pretty quick. Considered 210 but wasn't committed and it went nowhere. Up 20lbs on the squat clean.

    Then came the Deadlift. 325 wasn't too much trouble. 335 wasn't too bad either but I thought my form may be failing. Trickle talked me into going for one more and so I loaded up 345. Pulled smooth from the ground, fought technical failure as best as I could, and stood up with 30lbs more than I ever had. Then, immediately after dropping the load, I experienced something that I never had while lifting. I got really dizzy, couldn't focus, and knew I was headed to the ground. After stumbling around for what can't have been more than a few seconds but felt like minutes, things cleared up and I sat down. It felt like being drunk and getting punched in the head at the same time. Kinda scary. Time to go home.

    Overall I'm pretty happy with the day. HSPU and MU were no problem but I should have done the squat cleans at 190 or 195 and the dead at closer to 325 in order to be in the correct percentages. That being said, when I started the wod, the loads were too heavey to make me "too apprehensive to move fast". At least from what I knew at that point.
