Monday, January 18, 2010

The Next Episode

Burgener x 3
Leg Blaster x 1
Dead Hang Pullups x 10
Snatch Practice
ATB x 25
DU x 25


Jumping Lunges x 2
Ring Pullups
Situps x 2
Jumping Bar Squats
Airdyne - Max Time Above Load 6

Post times and bench weight to comments.


  1. bodyweight 5/55
    mod clapping pushups instead of bench and ring pullups in place of towel
    result - 18:26

    rested 6 minutes and decided to do some muscle up therapy, one every 30 seconds until failure. Thought I might get 5-10 but when things were going pretty well in the 15-20 range I kept going and ended up accidentally tricking myself into doing 30 "for time". result 14:30
    guess that means I'm ready to take on 30 all out in the near future

  2. Anonymous18.1.10

    Trickle, 207, rx'd, 135 bench
    bench was meant to go fast so that it would not be a traffic jam in the workout, however, I think the weight may have been a little light. I still need to work on my ring pullups, I am wanting to get the rings closer to my chest on every pull. No towels tonight for towel pullups, so we changed to rings. I will make the adjustment to the post. More of a cardio workout than we normally do on Mondays, but good follow-up to the weekend workouts.
