Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rest / Post Games Reports

The participants: Worlock, Cabana, Clint, Trickle, Beastmaster, and Patrick

Yesterday was tough... but we knew it would be and would have it no other way. We all learned more about ourselves and each other in one day than we normally do in a month. What's even better is that everyone survived and lives to fight another day.

So, take today and rest because the journey is far from over. This is only the beginning.

While your body is recuperating take some time to evaluate the events of yesterday. Take a look at everything; how the group did as a whole, the events themselves, each individuals performance, and most importantly how you did and why. From there, develop a plan to continue down a road of self improvement and self discovery. A road where the only effective vehicle is one built of commitment and fueled with high octane self destruction.

What we do is one of the few things in life where self inflicted pain is truly a positive thing. The results of our efforts are shattered goals that create temporary voids that are immediately filled with new and even loftier plans. Through our work boundaries are stretched and definitions blurred. All in the name of tearing down and destroying what doesn't work in order to remake and build something more efficient. But the job is never done, that something can, and will, always be improved upon.

The final white board for the day

After some review and digestion, take some time and post any thoughts, observations, summaries, or related info on yesterday to comments

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17.1.10

    Trickle, 207, run 5k, 25:36
