Friday, December 18, 2009

Winter Games Prep Work #1 121809


Warm Up
5-10 minutes of various medicine ball throwing
250m row at easy pace
12-8-4 of:
walking lunges
double unders

3 rounds for time of:
· 15 full situps*
· 12 ring pushups
· 9 squat jumps**
· 6 chest to bar (c2b) pull-ups
· 3 "reps" of the following triplet:
1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 jerk (split or push) @ 155***

*full situps are shoulder blades to floor and chest to thighs with no other regulation
**bw squat with jump and open hip while in the air. No height requirement.
***Triplet must be completed as three separate and distinct movements. The bar need not be set down but the p.clean and f.squat must be finished in the rack position before moving on to the next movement. Once overhead and locked out the weight may be dropped.

1. Max HSPU
2. Then, later... Don't forget about the CrossFit Topeka Team WOD and dinner tonight at 5:30

Post name. bw. mod. circuit time. and max hspu.
i.e. John. 184. rx. 15:12. 6.

1 comment:

  1. Cabana, rx, 7:14
    trickle, rx, 8:36
    clint, rx, 7:15
    beastmaster, rx, 7:45
