Thursday, December 24, 2009

--- Winter Games Info - Movements --- 122409

The following list of movements will be incorporated into the 3 events during The Shop Winter Games:

KB Swing , Power Clean , Front Squat, Push Jerk, Muscle Up, Box Jumps, Double Unders, Wall Ball, Snatch, HSPU, Burpees, Situps, Ring Pushups, Burpee Box Jumps, SDHP, Pushups, Clapping Pushups, Pullups, Squat Jumps, OHS, Ring Dips, Overhead Plate Lunges, chest to bar pullups, and maybe others.

Next week the Strength Event will be unveiled.

Post thoughts or questions to comments


  1. AM workout
    AMRAP 10
    15 standing press @ 95
    12 alt kb swings @ 35
    9 ring pullup
    6 box jump @ 30"
    --------rest 3 min
    "mini Cindy"
    --------rest 3 min
    100 full/abmat situps

    cabana, rx, 3 + 8 swings, 11 2/3, 5:00
    trickle, rx, 2 3/4, 8 2/3, 3:50

  2. "no gym, no weights, no excuses"

    20-2 (20,18,16...4,2) of:
    jumping lunges
    rest 3:00
    full situps
    squat jumps
    rest 3:00
    50 burpees

    clint - 23:34
    patrick - 25:31
    total time, includes rest
