Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Déjà vu and New 121609

Work on form, range-of-motion, and once that is perfected worry about the weight. Even when no one is watching.

Option A - CFT

Warm Up
3 Rounds of Cindy
10 Back Squat @ 95
10 Push Press @ 45
10 Deadlift @ 135

Back Squat x 1RM
Standing Press x 1RM
Deadlift x 1RM

Originally posted here.


Option B - DEAD HANG

Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1
Alternate 2 muscle ups between efforts (Sub 6 ring pullups and 6 ring dips)

100 Double Unders for time

Post results to comments.


  1. Hey guys, my name is Steve and I have just recently started following your site. I train at CFJax and had the pleasure of experiencing the shop chipper a few weeks back. Since then I became intrigued about your programming. I am a firefighter and I routinely need workouts to do while at work and usually I will get them from 324 or I'll search the archives of CFJax from before I joined them. Your programming is a fresh spin on my training and I have to say I have enjoyed the few workouts I have done.

    Today I did your wod from 12/14 bw-bar, and again a great setup with the rest intervals. I was able to go almost 100% every round and even with the decrease in weight my round time were fairly even give or take 10 to 15 seconds from one to the next. I look forward following your site in the future.

    Steve C. 195bw. rx. 13:26 minus 8 min. rest

  2. CFT
    Trickle, 210, rx, 785
    Beastmaster, rx, 810
    100 DU for time
    trickle, 2:31 (47 unbroken)
    beastmaster, 3:50

  3. I am not a fan of the 1RM, I would rather do multiple sets of 3 or 5 reps when going heavy. That being said, I think I will incorporate this into my schedule about once every six months. My legs and especially calves were torn up from yesterdays 550 double unders, but I don't attribute that to my poor back squat numbers. I (we) so rarely do the back squat, I never felt comfortable under the bar. Although not satisfied with my result, I gave every movement every ounce of effort I had, so I can walk away feeling satisfied with my performance.
    steve, we follow 324, CFJax, and a few others as well as doing our own programming. I am glad we have something to offer you. Stay tuned, there are some very solid workouts coming.

  4. HPC


    3:13 (broke jump rope at 68)
    34 unbroken pr

    nice work trickle, beastmaster

    also steve nice to see others doing the workout gives us something to look up to

  5. HPC:
    155, 165, 175(x), 170(x), 165
    275, 295, 315, 325(x), 315(x)
    9/10 sets of mu done unbroken, had to do two singles on the last one.

    I need some serious help with the deadlift. At a bw of 170-175 I would really like to get to the 355-365 range.

    Beastmaster, Trickle, and Cabana - Excellent work today. Impressive.

    Steve - Nice time! It's always exciting for us to try wods from cfjax and 324 and an honor when anyone gives one of ours a shot. It sounds like you achieved my goal with "BW & Bar". I intended each round to be done in nearly the same time and figured the rest and descending weight should produce the result. Unfortunately, I missed the round of 115 by a minute but the other two were within a few seconds of each other. Thanks again for checking us out and as Trickle mentioned, stay tuned.... lots of stuff on the horizon.

  6. Anonymous16.12.09

    1000 m row & 100 double unders.
    All the way down to.
    100 m row & 10 double unders.
    Felt like a fish out of water. Tripping over that dam rope the entire way.

  7. Almost forgot...
    100 du for time - 2:20
    I'll be ready to try that fresh. Maybe as part of the warmup next week.
