Friday, August 21, 2009

"Only One Tool" 082109 F

"Fast and Heavy" footage from last weekend...

- Warm Up -

Kettlebell Complex (you may set the kb down as needed)

- Work-

"Only One Tool"

4RFT of:

20 Snatch @ 16kg KB (10 each arm)

20 Situps

20 Goblet Squats @ 16kg KB

20 Pushups

20 Swings @ 16kg KB

400m Run


Post time to comments


  1. DeadLift 1-1-1-1-1

    275, 285, 305, 315, 365

    form failed pretty bad at 365, felt great on form throughout all other reps.

  2. Worlock - 20:26 @ 44lbs

    as rx'd:
    Beastmaster - 21:09
    Jake - 22:18
    Trickle - 22:30
    Rookie - 24:14
    5150 - 26:41
    Aaron - 34:06
