Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Barbell Complex Challenge 081209 W

- Warm up -

Team ladders (circuit style)
1-5 pullups, 2-10 pushups, and 3-15 squats

- Work -

"The Barbell Complex Challenge"

Starting with just the bar execute the barbell complex and then add 10lbs each consecutive round until you break.
The last weight completed unbroken is your "Score".
30 minute time limit.

The Barbell Complex

6 Deadlift +
6 Bent Over Row +
6 Hang Power Clean +
6 Front Squat +
6 Pushpress +
6 Backsquat +
6 Pushups

We last did this workout 5 months ago when "The Shop" was in it's infancy. In taking a look back, it wasn't very pretty. Lots of cheating on ROM by everyone. Form and technique was also lacking. Now that we're a little older and more experienced, we'll be holding ourselves to a much higher standard. Take a look HERE to see the lowlights

Post your last weight completed unbroken for your score along with how far you made it after that


  1. Warmup:
    Run .75 miles
    Barbell Complex + Ring Pushups 45,55,75


    Work up to 1RM standing press

    65,75,85,95,105,115,125,135,145, 155(Failed)

    I will be doing the barbell complex challenge in the morning so we can compare.

  2. Clint - thru 125 clean, failed 135 after the front squats with 0:30 to go

    Worlock - thru 125 clean, failed 135 after 2 HPC

    Cabana - thru 115, failed after 125 after 2 pushpress

    Tricle - failed during 105 due to slippery bar, then completed 115

    Joy - 45, 50, 55, 65 failed, 45, 50

    Beastmaster - ?

  3. How much rest between rounds? I am taking the challenge tomorrow.

  4. D,

    I will be taking the challenge tomorrow as well. There is no rest, its as many rounds as you can get in 30 minutes increasing the weight 10lbs each time. If you want to rest obvisouly it is obviously still counted in the time. Clock stops at 30 minutes, I hope I answered your question man.

  5. Patrick's got it. How much you rest is part of the trick with this one. Rest too much and you may have energy left when time is up, rest too little and you'll break a complex from lack of energy vs strength. Timing is key.

  6. Also should be noted that the round doesn't count if the barbell is set down in the middle of the round. Atleast as I have always done it, broken doesn't count, you would start the round over. that right Clint?

  7. All the details are in the original post. "The last weight completed unbroken is your score" Pretty much anything after that doesn't matter for anything other than comparing the next time you did it. My score was "125" because that was the last round I was able to complete UNBROKEN in the 30 minutes. It's really not that confusing.

  8. Got through 105 at 20 minutes. Attempted 115 3 seperate times. Never completed. Score 105.

    I have gotten much weaker at this workout.
