Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fit Pit Circuit / Trail Run 081109 T

I found one I just couldn't resist...

"Let me know if you want more"

One round for time of:

500m Row
25 Pull Ups
20 KB Swings @ 53lbs
15 OH Squat @ 115lbs
10 Burpees
400m Run
10 Burpees
15 OH Squat @ 115lbs
20 KB Swing @ 53lbs
25 Pull Ups
500m Row


and HERE's a link to their previous blog, showing work done in the past

Post activity and time to comments


  1. Warm up:

    40 minutes Elliptical Machine
    3.57 miles
    350 calories burned

    Half mile slow jog 4:05

    Timed 400m

    7 rounds of:
    3 Ring Pushup
    3 Ring Dip

    Just got my rings yesterday, this area clearly will need a lot of work.

  2. as rx'd - 25:41

    This is a SLOW time. I couldn't breath today. I might have underestimated the work or just had an off day but I got destroyed.

    The 115lb OHS was a little ambitious (10,5 both times) for this one so next time I'll scale to 95 in order to keep up the speed.

  3. Trail run as rx'd, 36:11

  4. Couldn't make it to the weight room today.

    4 Rounds for time:
    15 HSPU
    20 Double Unders
    20 DB Swings 20#

    3 Rounds, 3 minutes rest between:
    400 meter run

    Double Under practice is really starting to pay off. Got 16 in a row on first set today. 15 HSPU is too many!

  5. Good work D!
    We gotta keep working on those DU's here as well.

  6. Man, nice time Trickle. It seems like you're cutting a minute off each week!
