Wednesday, July 15, 2009

500 Rep Sandwich 071509 W

Monday's footage of "High Load, High Speed"

-Warm Up-

5-10 minutes of various medicine ball tosses


"500 Rep Sandwich"

Top to bottom for time:

400m Run
100 Pushups
100 Squats
100 Swings @ 16kg
100 Situps
100 Burpees
400m Run

Suck it up boys, tomorrow's a rest day.

45 minute time limit

Post time to comments


  1. those burpees will be fun!!

  2. Rookie - DNF, made it a little further than the swings

    Trickle - 42:32
    Cabana - 38:07
    Beastmaster - 37:50
    Worlock - 37:45
    Clint - 35:55

  3. sorry, Rookie made it thru the situps.

    FYI, I checked my time after the situps and before starting the burpees and it read right at 20 minutes.

  4. for anyone else who might do this wod i'll outline the rom standards we've been using here at The Shop

    pushups: chest to floor, complete lockout

    squats: parallel or better, completely open hip

    swings: full overhead swing, arms covering or past ears with full hip extension

    situps: "air force" style from crossfit faq page. arms crossed, hands on opposite arm or elbow. hands can't leave arm, top of scapula to ground, elbows to mid thigh or higher. knees bent as is comfortable, feet stay on the ground

    burpees: hands touch overhead with full extension while in the air, chest to deck at the bottom. there is no height requirement but your hands, open hips, and toes should form a vertical line in the air while "clapping"

    i think this is the same as crossfit standards

    the idea on the burpees and squats is to be looking forward with full hip extension at the "top"
    situps are defined crunches and can be done relatively fast
    pushups should be a given
    swings are as full rom as possible

    I post this in hopes of there being less "interpretation" of the movements so that times can be better compared.

  5. If there are those of us who don't know the standards by know, we're dealing with some serious learning disabilities :)

  6. First of all, I agree. Those of us who are doing this week in and week out should all be on the same page by now.

    However, to clarify the other half of my intent, there are instances where a person may do more than necessary and unintentionally hinder their time. For instance, if they are doing more of a "grind" style situp like the "bastard situp" from Gym Jones than that would add significant fatigue and hurt their score. Or, if they were jumping to max height (as I did for a long time) during the burpees that would fall under the same category.

    Also, there are a few people who don't come the The Shop as often as the rest of us and I wanted to be sure that if they did the wod (or any others with similar movements) they were not cheating themselves one way or the other.

    All of this ROM stuff aside, someone once told me a little secret, and that is that what really matters is doing these workouts with as much intensity as possible. That is what we should all really be focusing on, MAX INTENSITY (without lack of Range Of Motion).
