Saturday, April 4, 2009

Anything but nothing 040409 Sa

Some recent additions here at "The Shop"...

Our first set of red 45lb bumpers

2 x 9, 2 x 20, 2 x 35, 2 x 53, 2 x 70, and 1 x 110

Start your Saturday off right and do what your body needs most:

Run, Row, Bike, Swim, Swing, Jump Rope, WOD, or Grind

Post your activity and results to comments


  1. Breathing Ladder
    1-30 @ 35lb kettlebell
    session time:

    more info on tomorrow's post

  2. 465 swings in about 45min
    30/30/30 at that load would have been tougher.
    this was still fun, a different kind of animal

  3. i woulod like to do that one, could you explain again.

  4. Run 3 miles (25-30 minutes). Just ran in my neighborhood, but started out sunny, slightly overcast, then freezing drizzle, then hail, heavy rain, then sunshine again. Always interesting in Kansas.
