Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Friday - 3..2..1..GO! 031309 F

From a couple days ago...

For today... Remember this -

Don't fight the clock, FIGHT YOURSELF, the clock is just an accomplice. It's not what's slowing you down. Your mind is the only thing in your way.

Choose a WOD from below and post your time

A. "1775" (5150 - Beastmaster - Worlock - Cabana? - Rookie?)

4 Rounds for time of:

17 Burpee Pullups
75 Squats

B. "Jonestown Sprint" (Cabana? - Rookie?)

2 rounds, (15-10) for time of:

Burpee Pullups
65lb Pushpress

C. "15-10-5" (Viper - Joy - Skeeter - Cabana? - Rookie?)

3 Rounds (15-10-5) for time of:

95lb Thrusters (45 or 65lb subs)
35lb KB Swings (25lb sub)
24" box jumps (20" sub)

D. "Elisabeth" (Clint - ?)

3 rounds (21-15-9) for time of:

135lb Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

Or do something else you've been wanting to get a time for (Trickle)

Post WOD and time to comments


  1. man i got to do all three of the. all give it shot

  2. Row 1000m under 4 min
    Then, Swing/Burpees, a swinging good time of 9:41.06

  3. "pushup fran" - 8:24.44
    Again, not a time I am bragging about, but I want to get these timed benchmarks done and then work on beating them. No excuse, but the Friday before weigh-in usually is not my most energetic day. Kept the food intake pretty consistent today though.

  4. 9:58 15-10-5 65lbs thruster

  5. Elisabeth @ 135
    It was all hard. I would have finished 1-2 minutes slower had I not known Bruce's time from Paper Street.

  6. "pushup fran" 8:51 and rope climb w/no legs the first time ive made it to the top EVER!!!!!!!! i think this is the 5th week working out with u guys and ive dropped about 12 lbs. feeling great and loving every workout thanks 4 letting me be a part of it.

  7. Congrats on the rope climb Neal! That's something to be proud of for sure!!

  8. 1775 22:05 my leg hurt

  9. "1775" Probably should of pushed a bit harder, not feeling too bad today. But that was all I had yesterday. Glad that one is out of the way. Congrats to Cabana boy that is a "GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT"

  10. 23:01 was my 1775 time

  11. 15-10-5
    55lbs thrusters
    25lb. kettlebell
    Felt good! Thanks Clint. AND WAY TO GO Cabana BOY! your rope climb was awesome!! u need to show your daughter!
