Friday, February 27, 2009

How fast can you go today?

What did you decide?

How fast can you get it done?

Here are some ideas for timed workouts if you haven't already chosen one:

* 100 burpee pullups for time

* Crossfit's "Mini Cindy"
as many rounds as possible (amrap) in 10 minutes of:
- 5 pullups
- 10 pushups
- 15 squats

* Gym Jones' "300"
- 25 pullups
- 50 deadlift @ 135
- 50 pushups
- 50 box jump @ 25"
- 50 floor wiper @ 135
- 50 kb c & p @ 35
- 25 pullups

* 2,000m row on the C2

* Gym Jones' "Jonesworthy"
- squats 80-64-50-32-16-8
- 53lb kettlebell swing 40-32-25-16-8-4
- pullups 20-16-12-8-4-2

* Gym Jones' "Louder than 10"
- 5 ball slam @ 20#
- 10 pushup
- 15 kb swing @ 53
11 rounds
and introducing...

* The Shop's "Four Quarters Death Race"
- 250m row #10
- 10 thrusters @ 115
4 rounds

Lot's of new ones to choose from or you could pick something we've already done

Post your workout, load, and time to comments


  1. Im hesitantly choosing the "300" last name is jones but i don't feel "jonesworthy".....good workout wednesday, you guys and girl are animals!

  2. Hey Creative! Thanks for remembering the "craigs list chick"! I will do the workout my leader chooses for me (o; Clint always knows best! See you there Be-hotches!

  3. 10 rounds
    10 swings each round
    1,2,3 ect burpees per round

    Time: 7:48

    I gave it my all and got exactly what I deserved. Still don't feel quite right 35 minutes later

  4. PS1
    21:32 (I think, I had to go up the stairs and then back down to start/stop the clock) I think our fearless leader stole the stopwatch.

    the 135 FS to burpee, take a slight break w/ the KB's and then the box jumps together made my legs numb.

    Awesome workout created by Bryce/Clint

  5. same wod as me

    worlock 6:32
    beastmaster 6:42

    also, trickle wanted me to post that he used 115 not 135 on ps1.
