Monday, October 5, 2009

Strength & AMRAP 100509 M

Pay close attention to your form and ROM. There are some good examples of how it's done fast and correctly in this video from cfjax's day with FGB...

Option A.
Warm Up-
200m run
KB Swing Ladder:
15 reps @ 35# KB +
12 reps @ 44# KB +
10 reps @ 53# KB +
8 reps @ 70# KB +
5 reps @ 106# KB
(thanks Gym Jones)
Press Progression Complex:
5 reps of each movement without setting down the bar
Standing Press, Pushpress, and Jerk @
45, 65, and 95lbs

Standing Press 3-3-3-3-3*
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans @ 95
10 Pushpress @ 95
15 Back Squats @ 95
400m Run

Compare with last times results from The Shop HERE and on the same day from Paper Street HERE

Option B.
Warm Up-
200m run
10-8-6-4-2 of:
Deadlift @ 135
Pistol practice @ 35lb KB

Work up to 1RM Power Clean
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
40 Situps
30 Double Unders
20 OH Plate Lunges @ 45lbs
10 Front Squats @ 135lbs

*Standing Press - This is a max effort. Goal is the highest 3 rep load possible without breaking reps, while maintaining proper form, and ROM. Rest as needed between sets. An example result where a person completed the first two and failed on the third, then completed the other three could look like this: 135-145-155(X)-150-155(PR)-150
Warm up rounds are not logged.

Post your choice of work, Standing Press or Power Clean Results, and AMRAP time to comments


  1. Option B.
    2 reps shy of 4 rounds

  2. 205, optin b, 1 RM 195, 3 rounds 20 DU
    bec, option b, 3+ rounds

  3. Option A

    cabana 135-145-155x-155x-150
    worlock 135-145-155-160x-155

    cabana 6 rounds minus run
    worlock 6 full rounds(what can u say he's an animal)

  4. WOD 2 - the proposal (not that one)
    I knew going into this one it was going to be tough, but there was no way to prepare myself. At about 10 min in I was praying for an injury or a fire. I needed something to get me out of this. I just kept breathing. Slow and steady breaths telling myself that there would be an end. Relax, pace myself. The next 30-45 I focused on the future, keeping in the present would just simply make the pain too much to bear. I could feel the end nearing, I knew if I could just hang on, I would complete it. Tic-toc, the real fight was just beginning. My heart was not racing, but instead I was wondering if it would still be beating when it was over. The minutes went by, like a round of fight gone bad, painful, exhausting. Finally it ended, and the crowd erupted in applause (well, the women anyway). Were they cheering for me? I had made it. There is nothing I cannot accomplish now.

  5. Man, I am lost.
    By the way, if anyone hasn't watched it, today's video link is a really good one and shows the proper way to do pushpress and box jumps at speed. Good stuff.
