Wednesday, May 13, 2009

AMRAP 051309 W

Warm up -

Kettlebell Complex (variant):

20 x Two Handed Swing
10 x One Arm Swing (each arm)
10 x Snatch (each arm)
10 x Figure 8 (front-to-back)
10 x Figure 8 (back-to-front)
10 x Goblet Squat
10 x Standing Press (each arm)
10 x One Arm OHS (each arm)
20 x One Arm Swing (alternate L/R)


Workout -

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

7 Front Squats @ 135
14 Burpees
21 Swings @ 35lbs
400m run (if weather holds)

Scale as needed

Post load and # of rounds completed to comments


  1. AMrap in 20 min:

    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    15 squats

    10 rounds + 5 pullups + 8 pushups

    Beginning rd 8 had to do jumping pullups. Still weak in this area.

  2. Man, I like the looks of that KB complex.

  3. Finished the 4th round at 19:59

    kb complex was good, I highly recommend it.

  4. Oh, yeah. and by the way....

    The WOD was KILLER! You guys should try it for sure.
