Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Body and Bar 042909 W

4 rounds, 40-30-20-10 of:

Thrusters @ 45lbs (parallel or better at bottom, arm over ear at top)
Pushups (chest to deck, full extension at the top)
Situps (upper back to ground, elbows to knees, feet on the floor)

Do it for time or do it for completion

If you drink energy drinks, read THIS.

An excerpt from the link -
"Bottom line: These drinks are meth in a can. If you see
someone using these products, help them get off the
meth. If you use them yourself, get off the meth. After
all, if you’re sipping the Kool-Aid of CrossFit, you don’t
need more stimulation."

Post time to comments


  1. A: harder than it looked 22:08 after a big lunch ugh!!

  2. Attempted 100 mutant makers @ 95 lbs for time

    Got to 50 and my biceps started cramping like crazy.

    8:06 time for 50

    Programming note to self, never do 2 smmf days in a row.

  3. 10:19
    Situps were more like crunches at the top, elbows to thighs vs knees

    Rest a little, then practice kipping

    Then run 1.6 miles
    Time: 12:03

  4. 12:09 w/crunches

    11:14 run

  5. 10:07

    crushed me.
