Saturday, June 5, 2010


THE POWER MILE - Insular Gym

185lb dead x 24
muscle up x 3
hspu x 6
400m run

185lb back squat x 12
muscle up x 3
hspu x 6
400m run

185lb squat clean x 6
muscle up x 3
hspu x 6
400m run

185lb ground to overhead x 3
muscle up x 3
hspu x 6
400m run

for total time


  1. Trickle, 205, MOD, 27:45 From 12" Box on MU and with ABMAT on ground for HSPU. Squat clean and Front Squats both have given me nothing but trouble. I have been rolling my shoulders forward to get into the rack position which is destroying my form. Need to work that everyday. All the way from wrist flexibility to getting my chest broad and maintaining weight back on heels. All else was good.

  2. 26:45 rx

    thanks for going thru this one with me today guys. it's been good to get a few workouts in with you all in the last couple weeks. hopefully it won't be too long before i can make it back again.

  3. Anonymous5.6.10

    31:58 rx
    good workout and victory today clint
