Friday, June 11, 2010


I will either wrestle one of these...
Or take a 4 hour car ride with these. Either way, it WILL be a workout.

For anyone meeting at The Shop, try this.

4 Rounds
Front Squat (Heavy) x 8 (Rx 155/95)
Sprint 400m

--Rest as needed between rounds-- (minimal)

This is all about effort. Do the front squats unbroken and immediately run 400m as fast as you can. Stabilize your breathing and recover as needed, but should be no more rest than 1-3 minutes. If you can go heavier on the squats without breaking the set, do it. The front squats are not not for speed, but steady range of motion.


  1. Anonymous11.6.10

    Crossfit Omaha: Tabata front squat/shuttle runs (12')
    do front squat for :20, rest :10, do shuttle run for :20, rest :10. Total 8 rounds each. Rx 155
    trickle: 133#, total reps, shuttles ?
    cabana: 133#, total 114 combined reps

  2. Anonymous11.6.10

    155x8 front squat
    155x8 GTO
    400 meter run
    4 rounds
    Worlock and beast

    Modified it a bit, was an all around good workout. Worked on form
