Monday, June 7, 2010

Heat Treatment

From Crossfit mainsite. Cool picture. Athlete Blair Morrison. Iceland.

Run 200m
21 KB Swings @ 53
25 DU
FC 200m 53/70
15 Hang Power Cleans @ 115
25 DU
Run 200m
9 Thrusters @ 115
25 DU
FC 200m 53/70
9 Squat Cleans @ 115
25 DU
Run 200m
15 SDLHP @ 115
25 DU
FC 200m 53/70
21 KB Swings @ 53
25 DU

Post total time to comments.


  1. Anonymous7.6.10

    Scott- LOVE that pic! Wish we could do a workout there!! I am out this whole week. Boys have pre tryouts for soccer this week in the evening. I will try my best to do these from home. Will see you next week for sure! -joy

  2. Anonymous7.6.10

    I will likely not be there tonight either. Hope to make it later. Put up some times.

  3. Anonymous7.6.10

    didn't do first 200m run
    KB @35 for KB @ 53
    75 SU for 25 DU
    FC 200m 35/53 for FC 200m 53/70
    HPCs, Thrusters, Squat Cleans, SDLHP @75 for @115

    time: 25:46

  4. Anonymous7.6.10


    good to get back at it and good to see everyone or just worlock

    As rx'd 21:20
    bonus 6 thrusters
    forearms are shot no jerkin the griken tonight

  5. Anonymous7.6.10

    Rx 19.58 plus cabana's 6 thrusters I am a seasoned vet when it comes to the girken jerkin so who knows, can't rule it out. Good to see cabana back good workout trickle
