Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chalk Lines

Keeping form during a brutal 5/55
3 rounds
10 OHS w/ PVC
10 Walking Lunges
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Back Extensions

Push Jerk/Split Jerk
• Full extension of the hip before landing (Pelvic thrust to get the weight moving)
• Land in partial OHS w/ arms locked out overhead, hips slightly closed (Push Jerk)

Run 1 mile
100 Burpees
100 DU
30 GTOH @ 135

The work can be completed in any matter necessary to finish all four activities. Refer back to our team event for a memory refresher. The differences here are, there are no teams, it is every man or woman for themselves, and there is no minimum or maximum that you can do of one exercise before moving to the next.

Strategize, and do whatever you need to do in order to get the work done as fast and as efficient as possible. Minimize Rest and recovery. Maximize strengths and minimize weakness.


  1. Anonymous3.3.10


    as rx'd

    good workout it was nice to get out and do some running again

    uuuuuhhhhh....... How much is a membership here

  2. Anonymous3.3.10

    Trickle, 208, rx'd, 34:19
