Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bloody Axe Wound

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3

Warm-up accordingly and post 5 highest sets of 3 reps completed
Warmup with
45 x 3
65 x 3
95 x 3
then move to
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3
145 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 3 Failed

Failure = 2 missed attempts in a row
Ex. (1) 115, good, (2) 115, failed attempt, (3) 115, good, (4) 115, good = Successful
Ex. (1) 145, fail, (2) 145, fail, (3) 145, good, (4) 145, good = Fail

Post only 115-155 in the comments and use that as a baseline for future Snatch workouts

Rest 3 min

CFJax Baseline

500m Row
40 Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups


  1. Anonymous23.1.10

    Trickle, 211
    30 min treadmill, 3.92 miles.
    **happy birthday worlock**

  2. ICT trip led me to Goob's Garage for the first time in a while. We did Trickle's challenge from Wednesday:

    Front Squat @ 175
    Jerk @ 175 (5-2-3)
    30" box jumps
    ring dips

    We didn't go for time due to Goob's lack of heavy training as of late and both of our fear and apprehension of going overhead at 175 multiple times. That being said we dove in with aggression and kept rest to a minimum.

    I went unbroken on the front squats raising my body weight front squat max to 15 and did power clean + jerk singles until the last round. Goob had done the set of 2 jerks unbroken so I thought I'd give it a shot on the last set of 3. With a current overhead 1RM of 185 I was going to be happy with 2 and 1, maybe all 3 unbroken. Here we go...
    One.. OK.
    Two.. OK, not so bad.
    Three.. OK, that felt good, let's try another.
    Four.. Let's keep going, only 1 away from Cabana.
    Five.. Tied, competition is good
    Six.. Raising the bar, one more?
    Seven.. Got it. Failure around the corner.

    How'd that happen? Unknown strength out of nowhere? Why didn't I just do the wod for time? 7rm Jerk = 175? Wonder what my 1, 3, or 5rm is???

    Feeling happy and curious once again I decided to test my 1RM GTO and so right away I loaded up 195. Squat cleaned and Jerked it with a little left in the tank, a new PR. Considered 205 but decided to stop while I was ahead in order to fight another day.

    Extra - 30 burpees for time:
    Clint. 1:16
    Goob. 1:18

    3 Strength PR's this week. Wonder what that's all about? Goob said "Dude, maybe it's the beard?" My response, "I sure hope not, cuz it's gonna be gone soon."

    I think I might know what it is but more on that later.

    I know one thing, it's not this weeks diet. After 3 weeks of fairly strict adherence this weeks intentional lax mode has seen all the bad stuff go down the hatch. Last nights fuel was pizza, icecream, m & m's, cherry cobbler, and apple crisp. Post wod recovery meal this am was 16oz milk + Lamars: 1 chocolate iced, 1 maple iced, 1 strawberry bismark, and 4 donut holes. This debauchery will be over tomorrow just in time to strap down for the JAX trip so I'm not worried about getting too out of control.

    Goob - Nice job today and thanks for the use of your space. It's always nice when we can get together and share in some pain and suffering.

    Worlock - Happy b-day man, make it a good one!

    Trickle - props to you on recent programming, 15-6-9 is one helluva nice wod. I'll be ready to go for time whenever you want to throw that one back in the mix.

  3. Anonymous23.1.10

    Trickle v. Cabana
    as rx'd
    trickle, 1@145
    c. 4:24
    t. 4:25

  4. Anonymous23.1.10

    Trickle, Cool Down
    Annie, 9:42

  5. Anonymous23.1.10


    snatch felt pretty good today definitly think I can get 145 had it up 3 different times just couldn't lock it in. Could easily shave 20 seconds off cfjax baseline.

    Nice work today clint way to rise the bar!

    Happy bday old man

  6. Anonymous23.1.10

    Also good work trickle wish I could get my form down and make it look as easy as u do.

  7. I have been going over this lift quite a bit prior to the workout, and reflecting on it for a few hours after having done it. The conclusion: I don't think it will be showing up much at the shop.
    I like the overhead squat, i just think for time and longevity, the GTO by other means is safer, and can work most of the same muscles as good or better.
    Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good snatch, and I really don't mind the bad ones. The problem is, either one can hurt ya. I just think that there is a time and a place, and the place isn't at the shop.
    Good work today Cabana. It was fun, and we finally got to open one of the garage doors. Can't wait for the summer days.
