Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mind Control

Breaking a self imposed barrier...

"The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste"
- Ministry

Why is the mind so "Terrible"? It's really not, but at times we make it that way. We turn our knowledge against ourselves and the result is counter productive. Recently I learned how the mind can be a terrible thing and took things a step further proving to myself that it doesn't have to be.

Let me attempt to explain what I mean...

What is terrible about the mind is what happens when we let our minds work against us. Like any relationship the partnership of mind and body requires effort for it to work. Many of us focus on external relationships and completely ignore the one we must maintain with ourselves. Instead we ignore the possibilities of that relationship and never enjoy the rewards of self knowledge. Instead a lack of personal knowledge and an inability to take control of our thoughts often times leads us to personal ruin. We are seemingly content riding in the back seat with an irrational maniac at the wheel. This side of us tends to think too much and over analyze situations. Things backfire. Even though our intent is progress when trying to figure out and plan everything what ends up happening is the opposite; Fear and Doubt rule our every move and limit our potential while drowning us in stagnation.

Here's what made me realize this...

After two regrettable performances (due to selecting too light of load or too much pacing) in two recent wods I decided to start worrying less about percentages of a load relative to my 1rm. I can't be intimidated by what has or hasn't happened in the past because that creates unfounded fear and anxiety. Those two ingredients are only good if you want to produce a nice healthy batch of failure. I did far better than I thought I would and finished both wods frustrated that I hadn't pushed harder or went heavier. Since then I've tried to think less about a given load and it's relativity to what I think my limits are. Instead I've decided to take a stance that anything is possible and that known limits are only good on a given day. They expire far too often and can't be recalled as factual data.

A far better approach is to use the mind as an ally and with it go to battle against the perceived limits we put upon us by ourselves. Tell yourself you can. Trick your body into doing more than it ever has. Pretend your 1rm is higher than it is. Tell yourself it's easy. Know you can do it. Do whatever it takes to keep your mind from limiting your potential.

To summarize:
Learn to attack with confidence instead of react in fear.

These guys have had it figured out for a while now...

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right"
- Henry Ford

"You can always go harder and farther than you think. All limits are internal"
- Gym Jones

and another "limit" passed...


  1. Anonymous24.1.10

    Trail run 30:00 flat
    Today was great day for a trail run; reminded me to be greatful for the simple things

    Thks for yesturdays bday wishes everybody


  2. Anonymous24.1.10


    4 rds

    5 X 295# DL
    15 X pullups

    3 mins rest

    5 X 45# squat box jumps
    15 X ring dips

    total time 16:38-3mins


    clint I love the blog today I think you my have heard some of that before. You just have to believe in yourself if you fail so what that doesn't prove anything it just makes you work harder.
    I love proving people wrong when they say I can't do something. So if I think there's something I can't do I'll do it just to prove myself wrong, and I love proving myself wrong. Sometimes it's not about time but just about proving yourself wrong, working on building that mental strenght along with pshyical strenght.

    Most of the shit I write out doesn't make sense most people but in my head it makes since.

    I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling pretty good right now and ready for a beat down this week.

  3. Anonymous24.1.10

    Worlock, choosing between a day that is 63 and a day that is 36, I applaud your toughness, or you're jus getting older and forgot to run yesterday.

    Clint, good post. Pick any aspect of life, and your own mind can help you hurtle obstacles or put unclimable walls in front of you. As cabana said, do what you don't think you CAN do, just to prove YOURSELF wrong.

    Cabana, me too. Ask and you shall receive. But instead of a week, let's make it three, and then have a nice Valentines Massacre.

