Saturday, December 12, 2009

Srength and Speed 121209

Current companions

Warm Up
3 barbell complexes (45,65,85)
3 rounds of:
squat jumps x 5
pushups x 10
situps x 15
swings x 10
pullups x 5

Section 1
For Power:
Front Squat 10-8-6-4-2 relative to current 1rm
10 / 50%
8 / 60%
6 / 70%
4 / 80%
2 / 90%

Section 2
For time:
53lb swings
24" box jumps
Double Unders

max reps of ohs with focus on form and technique with the bar only


  1. Crossfit total

    dl = 365
    sp = 135
    bs = 275

    disappointed in the dl, content but not ecstatic about the other two.

  2. front squat for 5rm:
    clint. 172bw. 195pr
    shoulder press practice:
    i hadn't done that movement since my shoulder injury in mid august. managed 115 but 135 went nowhere. it felt like 170 did when i pr'd last summer at 165. if i wasn't 100% sure i know how to add i wouldn't believe i could have ever done that.

    that looks like a really good starting point on all 3 Patrick. you should be pretty happy based on very little focus on any of those lifts. with some focus i'm sure you could get 30-40 added to your dead, 20 to the squat, and 10 to the press.
