Friday, December 11, 2009


Joy - a week ago, post 1775...

Warm up
20 double unders
15 x 24" box jumps
5 x 53lb swings
10 x 30" box jumps
10 x 53lb swings
5 x 36" box jumps
15 x 53lb swings
20 double unders

push jerk
(rack position/dip and drive/get under/lockout position)
squat clean
(stance width/bar travel/explosion/hip extension/catch)

AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
5 squat cleans @ 135 / 75
15 double unders
-------rest 4:00-------
AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
5 c2b pullups
15 back squats @ 135 / 75
-------rest 4:00-------
AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
5 push jerk @ 135 / 75
15 burpees
-------rest 4:00-------
AMRAP in 4 minutes of:
15 deadlift @ 135 / 75

*HSPU mod is standing press @ 135 / 75

max hang time anyhow from 8' pullup bars
(one hand at a time, two hands at a time, overhand, underhand, alternating... it doesn't matter just hang as long as you can)

Post hang time and total number of rounds completed (in 0.5 increments) to comments.
For example if you get 4 full rounds, 5 squat cleans, and 10 double unders during the first AMRAP your score would be 4.5 - if you only got 4 of the 5 squat cleans your score would be 4.0
Add all four AMRAP scores for total score.

1 comment:

  1. rookie. 168bw. rx. 7.0rnds. 2:22
    clint. 171bw. rx. 8.5rnds. 1:38
    cabana. 195bw. rx. 9.5rnds. 2:05

    mrs. cabana. 10.5rnds @ 45lbs, shoulder press, and 3 x singles for du. 0:37 on hang

    overall a good setup with the multiple amraps. 4min rest allowed near 100% recovery and that was my intention. next time i'll score it for reps to keep us honest about effort and change the hspu to box jumps. the jerks took it out of us to where hspu were nearly pointless.

    50-40-30-20-10 of:
    double unders
    cabana. 10:22
    clint. 9:54
    we're both looking forward to doing that one fresh but it was a good finisher on the day
