Monday, December 14, 2009

BW & BAR 121409

Footage of "the masacre"...

Warm up
3 x burgener with pvc
2 x burgener with bar
1 x barbell complex with bar
20 double unders
15 swings @ 53
10 burpee pullups
5 knee jump / box jump combo
(complete one knee jump followed immediately by one box jump)

review: overhead squat
(grip position/stance width/knee tracking/active shoulder/sit back/spread the bar/breathing)

pvc x 12
45 x 10
65 x 8
95 x 6
115 x 4
135 x 2

For time:
20 box jumps @ 24 / 20
18 situps
16 pushups
14 squat jumps
12 pullups / jumping pullups
10 hang power clean @ 135 / 65
8 front squat @ 135 / 65
6 pushpress or jerk @ 135 / 65
4 back squat @ 135 / 65
2 ohs @ 135 / 65
-----rest 4:00 minutes-----
repeat @ 115 / 55
-----rest 4:00 minutes-----
repeat @ 95 / 45


max burpees in 3 minutes

Post your total work time (start to finish MINUS 8 minutes) plus burpee score to comments


  1. Anonymous14.12.09

    holy crap!

  2. 21:49, migraine headache 21:48. Beaten by nature and whatever else got in the way of an otherwise good workout.

  3. cabana. 199bw. rx. 16:51. 50.
    clint. 176bw. rx. 14:43. 43.
    5150. 198bw. 115/115/95. 25:32. dna

    This was a reminder to us all to focus on our weaknesses. The ohs was a large obstacle for some that required the trip to grind to a halt. For others it was a small and quick detour. Either way we need more focus in this, and other areas of weakness. You can expect to see more prodding of the armor between now and the games. We should have been doing it a long time ago.
