Monday, November 9, 2009

Hump and Grind 110909

Various Ball tosses and active stretching

Run 800m, then
2:00 min each station 1 min on , 1 min off. (Everybody starts at a different station and rotates after 2 min), then
Run 800m

800m run
- double unders
- box jumps, 24”, 20”
- KB Rack Hold 2 x 53#, 35#
- rowing, calories
- lunges, 45#, 10#
- floor wipers, 135#, 45#
- push press, 65#, 45#
- Abmat Sit-ups
- wall ball shots, 20#, 12#
- burpees
- tire flip and jump
- heavy bag
- uneven farmer carry, 65#/45# Barbell, 35#/20# KB
- step-ups, 25#, 10#
- keg hold
800m run

100 wall ball shots for time


  1. 100 wall ball shots, 5:50

  2. "Elizabeth"
    135lb Squat Cleans
    Ring Dips

    173bw. rx. 13:27. PR.

    I don't feel quite right after that. Not sure if it was the workout or something else but I'm toast, burnt toast.

  3. "Elizabeth"


    Next time I do this I am going to set up a video camera to watch my depth on the dips, I found it very hard to tell whether I was getting full ROM before letting go of the rings. I don't think my time should be that much lower than Clint's, I plan to do this again in the near future with a video for my own personal confirmation.
